Thursday, January 5, 2023

Best Houseplants for the Bathroom & Their Benefits

Small bathroom with white walls and blue tile with plants on the corners of the vanity.

When we think about the defining qualities of a spa-like oasis, one of the first things that comes to mind is undoubtedly plants. Incorporating houseplants into your bathroom is a surefire way to make it feel more relaxed, tranquil, and in touch with nature. 

But beyond the aesthetic appeal, there is actually a wide range of benefits – some that are even backed by science – to having plants in your bathroom. 

Here are just a few of those benefits according to Healthline.

Boston fern on a countertop in bathroom.

Reduces stress levels

Thanks to their calming effect, houseplants were found to be a source of reduced stress levels in one recorded study. The study found that the act of repotting plants resulted in lower blood pressure and heart rate levels among the participants. Much like taking a back, tending to bathroom houseplants is a perfect low-stress activity after a long day.

Improves indoor air quality 

Since bathrooms are already one of the most humid rooms in the house, adding a few plants known to purify the air quality can be highly beneficial. Studies have shown that houseplants can help to reduce harmful gasses like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and can even clean the air in closed or limited spaces.

Supports cognitive health and well-being

A study by Rutgers found that houseplants also reduced mental fatigue, with a group of dementia patients experiencing better short-term memory after spending time in a Japanese garden. In general, exposure to indoor houseplants often leads to improved feelings of well-being overall.

Beyond these benefits and many others, houseplants are – at their root – an excellent design choice for the bathroom, which is one of the spaces most commonly used for boosting our health and wellness.

So, which types of plants are best for the bathroom? Let’s explore some of the top houseplants that can thrive in humid environments and create a relaxing bathroom oasis!

Person holding a small, potted air plant.

1. Boston Fern

Boston Fern is not only one of the easiest fern variants to care for, but it is also adaptable to high humidity since its natural environment is a damp forest floor. Whether nestled on the side of your sink or displayed in a hanging pot, the Boston Fern’s lush fronds will transform any bathroom into a nature-inspired retreat. Just be sure to keep your Boston Fern out of direct sunlight and to water it once weekly. (Fun fact: this plant is also pet-friendly!)

2. Pothos

Also known as Devil’s Ivy, Pothos is an attractive, trailing plant that has heart-shaped leaves. This plant loves to hang and climb tall, making it a perfect addition to your shower curtain rod or as a framing device for a window. Pothos prefer moderate to indirect light and require minimal watering, meaning they are extremely low maintenance and will grow well in bathrooms of any size – so long as they have the room to stretch out their vines!

3. Air Plants 

Futuristic-looking Air Plants (or Tillandsia) are another excellent choice for the bathroom, as they can soak up the humidity from your bath or shower. This is because Air Plants don’t use roots to absorb nutrients or water; they simply grab both things right from the air. Without any need for a pot or planter, Air Plants give you more room for creativity in their display and can fit smaller spaces easily – like atop a toilet bowl or even within a built-in shower shelf. Keep in mind these plants prefer indirect sunlight and like to be soaked in room-temperature water for ten minutes every one to two weeks.

Want to learn more about how to make your bathroom feel like a serene, spa-like oasis? Check out our recent post about doing hydrotherapy at home.

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